Most people associate poor air quality and pollution with the outdoors, but studies from the Environmental Protection Agency have found that indoor air contaminants are often 2-5 times higher. As people spend more time indoors, now is the perfect time to think about air purification for the home.

Install an Air Purification Machine in the Home

Two styles of purifiers are common for improving air quality in the home: room-sized air purifiers and whole-house purifiers. In-room air filters are ideal for a small space, like a single bedroom or home office with poor air quality. For best results, install a whole-house machine. Whole-house air purifiers reduce indoor allergens throughout the home and are more affordable than multiple single-room filtration systems.

When looking for the best air purification for the home, consider the following factors:

  • how much square footage needs to be filtered
  • if the purifier uses a HEPA filter
  • the cost of maintaining and replacing the filters
  • noise level (especially if it will be in a room where you sleep)
  • warranty

Houseplants Naturally Filter Air

Many homeowners enjoy houseplants because of what they add to the indoor environment, but plants are also a great way to improve indoor air quality. Plants require no electricity to operate and no filter changes, and they remove allergens and provide oxygen. Some of the most popular houseplants for air purification are listed below.

  • Peace lily
  • Pothos
  • Bamboo
  • Spider plant
  • Rubber plant
  • Aloe
  • Boston fern
  • Snake plant
  • Ficus
  • Dracaena

Choose Flooring That is Easy to Clean

Carpet is one of the most popular types of flooring, but it is terrible for people who suffer from indoor allergies. The fibers trap bacteria, dust, and other irritants that aggravate asthma and allergy symptoms. For better air quality, replace your carpet with a hard flooring material like wood, tile, or linoleum. These materials can be cleaned easily with a broom, vacuum, or mop to remove dust, mold, and pet dander and improve indoor air.

HVAC Filters Matter for Air Purification for the Home

Your HVAC system has filters that prevent hair, dirt, debris, and other particles from circulating in your indoor air supply. When improving the air quality in the home, set a reminder to change these filters. Clogged filters recirculate contaminants, and the HVAC system must work harder to heat or cool the house.

If you are an allergy sufferer or have pets, changing the HVAC filters every month is best. If you do not have indoor allergies, change the filters at least once a quarter.

Boston Light Home Inspections provides inspection services in Massachusetts. Contact us to request an appointment.